Tuesday, December 19, 2023 – Latest Statement on IEOs.

IEO Latest Statements

Tuesday, December 19, 2023 – Latest Statement on IEOs.


Female web developer working


I want to make up for the lost 30 years.

DART’s Corporation, which was born in 2021, has been advocating the shortest possible technological innovation and the creation of an economic zone using that innovation, in order to “regain the lost 30 years at a stroke as a Web3 company from Japan.



Ecosystem for inexhaustible distribution

In Web3Era, where the individual shines, the boundary between professional and consumer is eliminated and the spotlight is placed directly on the creator.

DART’s is creator-friendly and will provide n-distribution and other mechanisms to realize a society in which affiliates are naturally integrated into people’s daily lives.


Zero Gas Realization and Domestic IEO Application


In order to create the ecosystem proposed by DART’s, it is essential to achieve zero gas. This requires the original blockchain and the utility tokens used in it.

In April of this year, CoinBest (Kanto Local Finance Bureau Director-General No. 00023) filed an IEO application with the Japan Crypto Asset Trader’s Association (JVCEA) in order to lead the IEO in Japan, as we are committed to issuing this token as a “Web3 company from Japan.


Global marketing continues


At the same time as the domestic IEO application, DART’s is steadily advancing its business to C with an eye on Web3Era, and its scale is not limited to Japan, but is now entering a global phase.

DART’s role is to develop Web3 technology for enterprises developing services, product sales, etc. Global Marketing is a business that is to B for to C.


Priority for overseas IEOs


DART’s ever-increasing number of clients are asking us to launch the DART’s ecosystem as soon as possible. We are now in the midst of a period of intense pressure from a growing number of DART’s clients to launch DART’s ecosystem as soon as possible, as missing the boat is the number one requirement for global marketing.

However, CoinBest, the underwriting exchange for the domestic IEO, has not yet completed its audit by the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and we have decided that we cannot wait any longer for the approval of the application.

The schedule, which previously consisted of a domestic IEO followed by an overseas ICO, will be replaced by an overseas IEO followed by a domestic listing, with the overseas IEO to be implemented in January 2024, accelerating the launch of the DART’s ecosystem.


Fostering and communicating with the global community


We have already been studying all the possibilities of preparing for the realization of overseas IEO. From now on, we will hasten to revise the white paper for overseas IEO, make public relations multilingual, and execute the re-dissemination to the whole world through the globalization of the community.