DAR (Digital Asset Rights Token) was listed on the exchange Toobit on April 23, 2024

Our DAR (Digital Asset Rights Token) was listed on the Toobit exchange on April 23, 2024. After that date, DAR will be available for trading on Toobit and P2B Crypto Exchange.

DAR (Digital Asset Rights Token) was listed on the exchange Toobit on April 23, 2024

Click here for the DAR token token sale page.

About DAR Token

DART’s DAR Token (Digital Asset Right Token) is not only a crypto asset token used for payments within the DART’s ecosystem, but is also used to distribute revenue to creators, participants, and others as highly functional NFTs and RFTs are issued and distributed. The Digital Asset Right Token (DART’s Digital Asset Right Token) is not only a crypto asset token used for payments within DART’s ecosystem, but also for revenue distribution to creators and other parties involved in the issuance and distribution of highly functional NFTs and RFTs.

Revenue sharing for NFT and RFT transactions will be executed through DART’s Vault smart contract, which will be located within DART’s Chain. ‘s Vault, thereby earning an incentive for contributing to the maintenance of the ecosystem in proportion to the amount of their deposit.

In order to be effective in the real world, DAR tokens are planned to be progressively exchangeable with legal tender on crypto asset exchanges around the world, providing convenience for all industries in defining asset value, preserving asset value, preserving copyright and neighboring rights, trading, distribution, promotion, settlement, revenue sharing, etc. and contribute to the transformation of the NFT and RFT markets.